Today was a rest day, and well-deserved! This team was incredible this past week. They took incredible strides in their water skills, participated in marine research, and took their 250 point Final Exam! (all earned A's by the way). So today - our last full day at Cormier - was a rest day. Students slept in, hung by the beach, reflected, journaled and simply relaxed a bit on the beach. Because of our remote location, we held our own evening church time on the beach, which provided a good setting for reflecting together on how steps of faith have led us to be here, and how steps of faith will continue to determine our experiences in life. Tomorrow we head to Danitas Children, which is sure to be another amazing but intense week in the pediatric clinic and with kids.
While the team rested, I took advantage of one more day on the water to continue establishing our research program. With Amiga Island Ecological Foundation, we completed plankton surveys in nearby Acul Bay. We will identify plankton in the bay and determine connectivity between the bay and nearby reefs. May not sound interesting or fun, but I assure you it made for a great rest day for me ;)