The stated mission of Bayside Adventure Sports is to ride, climb, catch, explore and PROTECT the earth God created. We entered this year with an increased conviction and focus on PROTECTING IT, and we have taken some great steps to care for the Creation we enjoy so much. This year we have formed a Protect It Team, introduced Protect It events such as trail clean-ups, presented three environmentally-focused talks at Bayside's Thrive Conference, and hosted an Earth Day event. BAS members are joining local organizations already doing restorative work to help make a difference.
This Friday, June 8th is World Oceans Day, a day of celebration, awareness and action. Over 70% of the earth's surface is ocean, and environmental crises like coral bleaching, ocean acidification, overfishing and plastic pollution impact us all. So this World Oceans Day, BAS is paying attention and raising awareness and action among our ocean-loving people.
This past month BAS worked with William Jessup University and other partners to take action in Haiti. Haiti has some amazing tropical, blue waters, but generations of poor resource management, significant social and political challenges, and devastating natural disasters have led to widespread poverty and environmental crisis throughout the nation. So how is BAS working to Protect It? Here are five ways:
Supporting Education. BAS supported William Jessup University researchers and students conducting scientific studies on Haiti's coral reefs and fish populations.
Sending Volunteers. BAS sent two volunteer divers to be a part of the scientific research. We also sent GoPro video cameras that were used to record biodiversity on reefs. This footage will enable scientists to continue monitoring impacts into the future.
Sending Gear. Not only did BAS send their GoPros, but they geared up the team with BAS "Protect It" t-shirts (see all the blue shirts in pics below.) But perhaps most impactful were the paddleboards that BAS sent. BAS volunteer, Nanhee Kim, spent days teaching young Haitian kids to paddleboard, and we've left two boards in Haiti for continued use and instruction! BAS Paddleboard division is now a global ministry!
Doing the work of Restoration. BAS SCUBA division has joined efforts with the Amiga Island Ecological Foundation as they grow endangered corals to be planted out on reefs.
Loving Kids. BAS paddleboarding and SCUBA spent loads of time with kids, teaching them the sports that we love. Check out the smiles as kids paddleboard and snorkel!
BAS is making a very tangible difference this World Oceans Day. We want to invite you to be a part. BAS has pledged $3,000 to the work in Haiti, and we want you to be a part of supporting this work. Give a small donation this World Oceans Day by visiting our giving page. Be part of protecting it!