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Deep River Mission House

I have been thankful to partner with Deep River Mission the past several years. Mike and Nancy Worthing moved to Haiti and built an amazing campus to serve missionaries who come to serve in Haiti. Their motto is, "Helping you help in Haiti," and I will testify they have certainly helped me do what I do! In the beginning, their goal was simply to provide a refreshing place where teams could retreat and be refreshed after long days of serving in the physically and emotionally demanding conditions found in Haiti. However, through generosity, providing jobs, cleaning streets, opening sports fields, planning days camps, teaching English classes and more, they are transforming their local neighborhood one person at a time. I am proud to call them partners!

Now I am looking forward to bringing another team of students from WJU to serve here in May (pictured left). DRM will be home base, from where we will serve throughout northeast Haiti. Take a look at the DRM grounds to get an idea of the sports ministry we can do here.

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